Course Catalog

The Salvation Army offers a full curriculum of certified disaster training courses, including classes provided in partnership with other organizations, such as the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Medic First Aid International, and the National Restaurant Association.

Course IDClass NameDifficultyHours
SA-161Preparing Your Congregation for DisasterBasic8
SA-400Train the TrainerAdvanced16
SA-351Disaster Social ServicesAdvanced8
SA-360Planning SectionAdvanced8
SA-151Emergency Assistance in Disaster OperationsBasic8
SA-330Liaison OfficerAdvanced8
MEDICPediatricPlus CPR AED & First Aid for Children, Infants & AdultsBasic6
ICISFAdvanced Group Crisis InterventionAdvanced14
ICISFGroup Crisis InterventionIntermediate13
ICISFPastoral Crisis InterventionIntermediate13
MEDICCarePlus CPR & AED for Adults, Children & InfantsBasic
NRAEFServSafe® ManagerAdvanced16
SA-133Liaison 1: Understanding Emergency Management & Whole CommunityBasic8
SA-100.BIntroduction to The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster ServicesBasic4
SA-320.TTTEmotional and Spiritual Care in Disaster Operations - Train the Trainer VersionAdvanced16
SA-150.CDisaster Food Service & Canteen OperationsBasic8
ICISFCISM Application with ChildrenAdvanced14
SA-110.BPublic Information 1: The First 24 HoursBasic8
SA-310.BPublic Information 2: The Public Information OfficerAdvanced8
NRAEFServSafe® Food Handler (6th Edition)Basic4
SA-370.BFinance and AdministrationAdvanced8
ICISFAssisting Individuals in CrisisAdvanced13
SA-390Operations (A)Advanced8
ICISFBuilding Skills for Crisis Intervention TeamsBasic13
LCRLocal Community ResponseBasic4
SA-EASApplications of Emotional and Spiritual CareAdvanced16
BLSBasic Life SupportAdvanced8
ICISFStrategic Response to CrisisAdvanced14

Our Mission

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
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