The Salvation Army In Nashville Deploys Team to Assist in Chattanooga Tornado Response

April 14, 2020
Misty Ratcliff |

The Salvation Army In Nashville Deploys Team to Assist in Chattanooga Tornado Response

NASHVILLE, TN – April 14, 2020  - The Salvation Army in Nashville has been in active response mode since March 3rd when tornadoes swept across Middle Tennessee, quickly followed by an increase in community outreach services due to Covid-19. Now, they are answering the call of our neighbors in Chattanooga to assist with the response to the deadly Easter Tornado Outbreak from April 12th. Major Stephen Story will be acting as the Incident Commander and Lt. Brittany Sanford will be the Emotional and Spiritual Care Officer for the Chattanooga response. Major Story has recent experience in this area, as he led The Salvation Army team during the March 3rd Middle Tennessee Tornado response.

Major Stephen Story says, “The Salvation Army always stands ready to respond in our communities to meet the needs of our neighbors. We know that with everything going on right now in our world the meals, and maybe more importantly, the emotional and spiritual care our teams are trained to provide will be vitally important in the upcoming days. A serving of hope and love can be just as warming and life-supporting as a hot cup of coffee or a bowl of soup. ”

The Salvation Army is coordinating with local authorities and partners in Chattanooga to determine the needs and how we can best provide for those needs safely and effectively.

How neighbors can help:

Financial Contributions are needed and most efficient. A cash donation allows charitable relief agencies to use monetary contributions to purchase exactly what disaster survivors need. Monetary contributions are also easy to get to the disaster area. One hundred percent of a disaster donation to The Salvation Army is used for disaster relief efforts for that event. Supplies can almost always be purchased locally at the disaster site and provide savings in multiple ways. Money used to purchase needed items locally can support local and state economies, helping local businesses and workers, which have suffered losses in the wake of the disaster event. 

If you would like to support efforts, please visit this link to donate.  For the latest updates on our disaster relief efforts, visit  

For more information please contact Misty Ratcliff at 615-504-9128 or 


The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church established in 1865, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination for 130 years in the United States. Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through the broadest array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. 82 cents of every dollar spent is used to carry out those services in 5,000 communities nationwide. For more information, go to




About The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army annually helps more than 30 million Americans overcome poverty, addiction, and economic hardships through a range of social services. By providing food for the hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehabilitation for those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, and clothing and shelter for people in need, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at 7,600 centers of operation around the country. In the first-ever listing of “America’s Favorite Charities” by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, The Salvation Army ranked as the country’s largest privately funded, direct-service nonprofit. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter @SalvationArmyUS and #DoingTheMostGood.

Our Mission

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
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