Training for Action: The Salvation Army of Florida Prepares for 2025 Hurricane Season

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Florida Mobile Feeding Units are inspected to be ready for the upcoming Hurricane Season

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Readiness for disaster response begins long before the event occurs. Toward this end, the Salvation Army’s Florida Division recently hosted a weekend long Emergency Disaster Services Training Summit.

Offered classes included Incident Command System, which serves as the framework for coordinating and managing all services provided during disaster response efforts and a class for specialized Emotional and Spiritual Care specialists who minister to the mental and emotional health of survivors and Salvation Army personnel during disaster response. Staff also honed their communication skills in our Public Information Officer course, gaining expertise in effectively sharing information with the public during times of crisis. Workshops on canteen food preparation and serving as well as canteen upkeep and maintenance helped to ensure readiness for deployment, and each of the division’s mobile feeding units were inspected in preparation for the 2025 hurricane season.

A plenary session touched on The Salvation Army’s Anti Human Trafficking programs and the ways that the uncertainty and chaos created by a disaster can further endanger at risk populations. Staff and volunteers learned to recognize signs of potential danger and the proper channels for aiding without further endangering themselves or survivors.

Steven Hartsook, Florida Divisional Emergency Disaster Services Director, said, “Following an intense hurricane season last year, we are thankful for all the dedicated disaster workers that served those in need, and we pray that conducting the disaster training summit this year allows us to even better serve our communities when disaster strikes. We must remain diligent in preparing, equipping and ensuring that we are always ready to serve. When we arrive, we bring more than relief – we bring hope. Hope not only meets physical needs but also offers emotional and spiritual support through the love of Christ. “

Anyone who would like to learn about volunteering to help in disaster relief and serving in their community in Florida can contact Lynne Frost, EDS Preparedness Coordinator, at 813-383-5780 or [email protected].

Sarah Schmitt

About The Salvation Army USA​

The Salvation Army annually helps nearly 24 million Americans overcome poverty, addiction, and economic hardships through a range of social services. By providing food for they hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehabilitation for those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, and clothing and shelter for people in need, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at nearly 7,000 centers of operation around the country. For more information, visit

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