Roots of Resilience: Chris’s Story of Faith and Community

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Chris and a Salvation Army volunteer stand by the Japanese maple whose roots kept the ground in front of his house from eroding during floods caused by Hurricane Helene

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Barnardsville, NC (October 23, 2004) – Chris is as good of an old boy as they come—hardworking, deeply devoted to his family, and always looking out for his neighbors. Days before Hurricane Helene hit his rural mountain town in western North Carolina, Chris watched the small creek running along the road in front of his house start to swell. His area had already received close to 20 inches of rain before the storm made landfall, and by mid-morning on the day the hurricane hit, the creek had overflowed its banks. Within an hour, his entire house was surrounded by rushing water. With no way to escape, Chris and his family prayed together, preparing for whatever might come. But, by the grace of God, the storm surge began to subside.

Outside, the scene was one of destruction—his yard all but washed away, and in its place, a gash in the earth 30 feet wide and 8 feet deep. Yet something caught his eye. In front of his porch stood a small Japanese maple. Part of its massive root system had been exposed by the floodwaters, but those very roots had kept the ground in front of his house from eroding, and his home from washing away.

Weeks after the storm, Chris reflected on what he describes as a miracle, giving glory to God for keeping his family safe. But the recovery for Chris and his community has been no small challenge. More than just the tree’s roots, it’s been the community’s roots—neighbors and volunteers from all over—that have come together to help each other recover and rebuild.

Among those volunteers, The Salvation Army has played a key role. “The Salvation Army officers and volunteers have been blessed by the opportunity to serve Chris and his community during this difficult time,” said one of the officers. The Salvation Army’s support—through hot meals, emotional and spiritual care, and a constant presence on the ground—has strengthened the network of community members working hand-in-hand to rebuild.

“The brotherhood and sisterhood we’ve found… no matter where they come from, we lift each other up,” Chris reflects while hugging the neck of a Salvation Army volunteer, expressing his heartfelt thanks for the overwhelming support that has helped heal not just his land, but the hearts of everyone affected.

Colossians 2:6-7 “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Stephanie Chastain

About The Salvation Army USA​

The Salvation Army annually helps nearly 24 million Americans overcome poverty, addiction, and economic hardships through a range of social services. By providing food for they hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehabilitation for those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, and clothing and shelter for people in need, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at nearly 7,000 centers of operation around the country. For more information, visit

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