The Salvation Army Adjusts Service to Assist Storm Survivors in Maury County

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Nashville, TN (May 12th, 2024) – The Salvation Army is adjusting service today to assist survivors from this past Wednesday’s tornado. Breakfast and lunch meals will be served from their mobile kitchen at the Tornado Hub at Randolph Howell Elementary as well as taken out into the hardest hit areas of the community on their roving meal unit. Salvation Army officers and staff will also be offering emotional and spiritual care to any who need it. Snacks and drinks will be available throughout the day as well.

“As with any disaster, we adjust our service to meet the needs of the community while being good stewards of the resources provided to us through the support of our donors. We will continue to serve and support the Maury County community with hot meals and emotional & spiritual support until the need is fully being met.” Captain Philip Canning, Incident Commander for The Salvation Army in Nashville.

There will be fixed meal site at Randolph Howell Elementary (653 Bear Creek Pike, Columbia, TN) and a roving meal unit traveling in the affected areas of the community. Mealtimes will be:

Breakfast: 9:00am
Lunch: 12:00

As of Saturday, The Salvation Army provided:

Meals – 423
Drinks – 429
Snacks – 146
Emotional & Spiritual Care Connections – 24

If the community would like to help, monetary donations are the most effective way to allow us to gather the resources needed to best assist our community. 100% of donations given for this disaster will be used to fund our emergency response and recovery efforts for this disaster.

You can financially support our response efforts through the following channels:


Phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY

Mail: The Salvation Army, PO Box 436437, Louisville, KY, 40253 – please put May 2024 Middle Tennessee Tornadoes on your memo line.

About The Salvation Army USA​

The Salvation Army annually helps nearly 24 million Americans overcome poverty, addiction, and economic hardships through a range of social services. By providing food for they hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehabilitation for those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, and clothing and shelter for people in need, The Salvation Army is doing the most good at nearly 7,000 centers of operation around the country. For more information, visit

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