• Christopher Priest

The Salvation Army of Frederick, MD Partners With Local Agency

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt life for many, with senior citizens at the forefront considering their increased vulnerability to the coronavirus. In Frederick, Maryland, The Salvation Army is stepping into the void, partnering with the Frederick Community Action Agency to serve those who could see the greatest impact.

The Salvation Army and the FCAA came together to deliver food bags to seniors in two different communities, totaling more than 180 bags distributed. Bags included non-perishable food items, with each designed to cover three-to-five days of nourishment for those receiving them.

Discussions with Mayor Michael O’Connor helped to buoy the initiative, with The Salvation Army stepping in to provide service.

With the increasing financial burden placed on some as a result of the outbreak, coupled with the risk to leave the home for seniors, many were thankful for this outreach.

“We’re just trying to make it a little easier on them,” said Lieutenant Chris Raymer, corps officer in Frederick.

This partnership plans to continue with an additional delivery this week, and the potential to go beyond that. In addition, The Salvation Army and the FCAA are in discussions with Frederick County Public Schools on potential food distribution, centering on weekends at sites set up by the FCPS.

This is the first of a regular Blog Post written by Brad Rowland, Staff Writer, Southern Spirit Newspaper