• Donald Felice

Local Business Partners with The Salvation Army to Carry on Legacy of Giving

CONWAY, SC (September 18, 2018) - Brothers Derrick and Darryl Detrick come from a family of givers. “My parents were total givers,” says Derrick. “Dad has a scholarship named after him, and mom, when Hurricane Matthew hit us hard a few years back and a lady lost her home, well, mom bought her a new one.”

It’s compassion and love that motivates us to give, and the Detrick’s were infusing their young boys with a legacy of love starting at an early age; love for each other and love of their community.

Derrick and Darryl had always been close. Earlier years growing up in Augusta, Georgia, and memories of great summer family vacations in Myrtle Beach led Derrick to attend school at Georgetown Technical College in Conway, S.C. for a degree in Golf Course Management. Soon after he started a landscaping business in close by Myrtle Beach. “I love the beach,” says Derrick.

Brother Darryl quickly joined the new business venture. Years went on and in 2005 Derrick and Darryl branched out and opened their first “Detrick’s Car Wash” location in Myrtle Beach. “It was a really fast growing area and we wanted to be part of it” says Darryl, “We love the community and that’s why we stay here.” Business has been good for the Detrick’s, now with a fourth location in the Myrtle Beach area.

“Matthew hit our community hard two years ago,” says Darryl. “We saw then how the community we love suffered.” Derrick adds, “Now that we see it happening again, we want to give back to the community that has been so good to us.”

Derrick and Darryl chose to give back to their community through a gift of $15,000 to The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services for those impacted by Hurricane Florence. “We want to make sure people have food, clothes and a place to stay if things get really bad again,” says Darryl. “And we have confidence that The Salvation Army will do the most good with our gift.”

Derrick and Darryl received some additional good news – their gift will be matched by Sinclair Broadcast Group, who has partnered with The Salvation Army to aid ongoing disaster relief efforts for the victims of Hurricane Florence. Sinclair will hold a national Day of Giving on September 20, encouraging viewers to help those struggling to rebuild. As part of the relief effort, Sinclair will match the first $100,000 of the funds raised nationally.

Major David Repass, Corp officer for The Salvation Army of Conway, S.C., represents The Salvation Army in receiving the Detrick’s gift. “The Detrick’s prove that there are still kind people in the world who care about the plight of their neighbors.”

“I learned that from my dad,” says Derrick.

Indeed, he has.


How to Help
The best way to help after a disaster is to make a financial donation. Monetary donations allow disaster responders to immediately meet the specific needs of disaster survivors as the situation continues to be assessed. 

Online: helpsalvationarmy.org

Donate by phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY

Mail checks to: The Salvation Army, P.O. BOX 1959, Atlanta, GA 30301

Please designate '2018 Hurricane Season - Florence' on all checks.

To receive a donation link via text: Text STORM to 51555

Sinclair “Day of Giving” Sept 20 Partnership with The Salvation Army - match up to $100,000: http://sinclaircares.helpsalvationarmy.org.

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