• Sydney Fong

Transition to assistance centers for the Carr Fire and Mendocino Complex Fire

Sacramento, CA--The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services will transition efforts to assistance centers for the Carr Fire in the Redding area and the Mendocino Complex Fire in Lake County.

Starting today, The Salvation Army is participating in the Disaster Recovery Center in Redding (2658 Hilltop Drive). The center will be open daily from 9 AM to 7 PM.

Tomorrow, Salvation Army representatives will take part in a Local Assistance Center at the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center (3985 Country Club Dr.). It will be open from August 10-17, with operation hours of 10 AM to 7 PM.

For either center, if possible, it is recommended that a resident bring a photo ID, household income information and insurance document.

In the past weeks, The Salvation Army had been serving meals at various sites throughout Northern California, assisting evacuees and first responders.  More than 20,000 meals were served in Redding and Weaverville, while more than 13,000 meals were distributed in Lake County and Mendocino County.

Donation Information

Monetary donations are preferred at this time.  The Salvation Army uses 100% of disaster donations in support of local disaster relief operations.

To give, visit www.gosalarmy.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) and designate “Carr Fire” or “Mendocino Complex Fire”.  Donations by mail may be designated “Carr Fire” or “Mendocino Complex Fire” and sent to:

The Salvation Army
PO Box 348000
Sacramento, CA 95834