• Tawny Cowen-Zanders

Always There - Offering Hope and Help

Naples, Fla. (Sept. 22, 2017) – Long before Hurricane Irma ripped through her small, migrant community, a figurative hurricane ripped through Delia’s young life.  Six months ago, at the age of 14, her precious mother passed away and she is now being raised by her grandmother.

“Of course, this is not what I want for Delia,” explained her grandmother, Valeria, “but such is life.  We make the best of it.  She is a good girl.”

Just as the family was adjusting to their new ‘normal,’ ominous warnings of Hurricane Irma blasted from the television.  Delia retreated into herself all over again, wishing her mom was there to protect her.

“Delia was convinced we would not survive the storm,” shared Valeria.  “Then, once we knew we would survive, she fixated on the fact things would never be the same again.  She was convinced God did not care.”

As Delia and Valeria begin to adjust to another new ‘normal,’ The Salvation Army mobile feeding kitchen in the village of Immokalee has become a place of solace and certainty for them. “The Salvation Army has been here every day to provide our family with food and a smile.  We are so grateful.  For Delia, the daily meals are a reminder that God really does take care of her.

The Salvation Army is committed to offering hope and help to individuals in the village of Immokalee and throughout Collier County.  The Salvation Army will be there until the last person needs them. 

To help support this effort to meet the needs of Dalia and others in Immokalee and throughout Florida, please donate at www.HelpSalvationArmy.org, or by phone at 1-800-SAL-ARMY.
