• Christopher McGown

"The food was great but the bottle of orange juice saved my life!"

Orange, Texas (September 11, 2017) - When is a bottle of juice, more than just a bottle of juice?  When it saves a life.

Nancy Moore is a lifelong resident of Orange County, Texas.  “I plan to die here too, but not anytime soon.” Nancy said as she shared her story.

When the rain started in Orange, the initial forecast wasn’t too dire; but as Harvey stalled out over Texas’ Golden Triangle the rain continued to pour. “It rained and rained,” Nancy said, “I was looking around to see if I could see an Ark.” Nancy can joke about it a little bit, but really only to mask the tears that still linger just short of falling. “The water came up fast. I’ve never seen water rise so fast.”

Like most of her neighbors, Nancy lost power and got “about a foot of water” in her one-story home. “I was moving as fast as I could to put up important things. You know, stuff I really care about, like family photos…” As the water receded, leaving ruin in its place, Nancy believes “I saved the most important things. I’m a lucky one, so many lost everything.”

Since then, she’d tried to work on getting her house cleaned out. She’s not sure what she is going to do. “But I got myself a new chair sitting on my bare floor, so at least I can rest comfortably.” Nancy didn’t offer her age but did say she is “doing pretty good for a lady [her] age.” Nancy lives alone, and has for the past few years. “I got plenty of friends, we check on each other and make sure everyone is doing ok.”

Between the water and the loss of electricity, there wasn’t much food left in the house after a couple days. Nearly impassible roads, meant grocery stores weren’t getting restocked very well, if at all. This makes the hot, nutritious meals served from The Salvation Army canteens (mobile kitchens) even more important. Of course, part of a meal is the drink and often a snack. “The food was great, but it was the bottle of orange juice that saved my life.”

In a note to Captain Zuniga, The Salvation Army leader in Orange, Nancy wrote: “Thank you. I received orange juice from the mobile unit at the Family Dollar store [parking lot].  I am diabetic. That night, I had a low sugar event. That orange juice saved my life. Thank you VERY much for the help.”

A short, simple note, but it conveys so much.

Nancy thanked The Salvation Army, and The Salvation Army thanks all those who donate to make it possible to have the mobile kitchens and their life-saving supplies in disaster stricken neighborhoods.

“Thank you VERY much for your help.”

