• Kimberly George

Salvation Army Serving After Tornadoes Moved Through TN Valley

Chattanooga, TN – After devastating storms ripped through the Tennessee Valley overnight and this morning, The Salvation Army has been asked to help serve emergency workers and residents of Polk and McMinn Counties in Tennessee and Jackson County, Alabama.  This morning 200 breakfast biscuits along with coffee and water, were taken to Rosalie, AL community  from The Jackson County Salvation Army Service Unit and to Polk County Tennessee from the Cleveland Tennessee Salvation Army. Lunches are being prepared and will be delivered to these counties along with McMinn later this morning. The Salvation Army is also waiting for search and rescue teams to clear neighborhoods so Salvation Army pastoral care can also serve.  

“The Salvation Army, though we are in the height of our busiest season of Christmas, is always ready to serve when called upon,” states Major Robert Lyle, Area Commander of The Salvation Army of the Greater Chattanooga Area.  “We meet needs at the point of need, and today, there are many hurting neighbors and emergency workers who need us to meet their basic needs of food and beverages. We will gladly serve until no longer needed.”  

The Salvation Army asks for your prayers for our neighbors in Polk, McMinn and Jackson Counties.  The Salvation Army also needs your support for the relief efforts by donating monetarily to http://give.salvationarmyusa.org/tennessee_wildfires, 1-800-Sal-Army, or you may text TNSTORMS to 41444.  Please earmark donations for November Storms.  
