• Christopher McGown

Salvation Army Responds After Tornadoes in South-Central Tennessee

Winchester, Tennessee—Strong storms, with likely tornadoes, ripped through north-central Alabama and south-central Tennessee in the early morning hours causing significant property damage and blamed for the loss of at least three lives.  Salvation Army officials are coordinating with local and state Emergency Management Agencies.

“We have trained volunteers already in place in Winchester [Tennessee], and have specialized response equipment nearby if needed,” said Bo Sells, the Divisional Disaster Services Coordinator.   “We are in communication with and coordinating with response officials to determine how to best respond to our neighbor’s need”

The Salvation Army has developed a network of trained staff and volunteers, along with strategically placed emergency response equipment -- like mobile feeding units and mobile kitchens (canteens) -- to allow for effective and immediate response to any emergency disaster need.  

“We already have assets active in Sevier County to support those impacted by and responding to the wildfires there.  As part of that response, we have additional units on standby; we can redirect those units to respond to needs in Coffee and Franklin Counties if necessary,” Sells said.  
Financial donations are the best way to meet the evolving needs and to support relief efforts.  The Salvation Army asks those who want to help the individuals and families affected by disaster to visit www.disaster.SalvationArmyUSA.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY and designate “disaster efforts.”  Monetary donations will ensure The Salvation Army can meet the most immediate needs of those impacted most.
