• Jon Kalahar

One Question Inspires Mississippi Town To Help Flood Survivors

“Is there anything we can do to help?”

That’s a question being asked across the South and no doubt, across our country as folks see reports of the impact of historic flooding on Southern Louisiana. The Salvation Army in Baton Rouge and Lafayette has seen first-hand the result of that simple question.

In Brandon, Mississippi, as leaders came together for a meeting of the board of aldermen, one concerned citizen with that question started a donation drive leading to a huge supplies of water, food, clothing and medical supplies being donated.

Brandon mayor, Butch Lee made the call to get the truck set up for donations and the community took care of the rest. Not only did individuals give, but whole schools and churches stepped up and donated large quantities.

The best part?

They even delivered the truck to our warehouse in Baton Rouge and brought city employees to help unload the truck. 

This is just one of several stories of people, towns, organizations and corporations “Doing The Most Good” for their neighbors in need in Louisiana.

We are still in need of certain donations. While we no longer need clothing, we are still accepting cleaning supplies like mops, brooms, garbage bags, paper towels, gloves and masks. Residents impacted by flooding also need hygiene supplies like soap, deodorant, toilet paper, toothpaste, and tooth brushes. You can also donate baby items like diapers, formula, baby powder, bottles and pacifiers.

Thank you for your generosity!
