• Thad Hicks

Response Operations Continue in Pike County Ohio

Pike County Ohio (April 24, 2016) -The response operations continue in Pike County as law enforcement continues processing the multiple homicide scenes across the small southern Ohio county.   

The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services of the Swoneky Division in partnership with Ohio Christian University and Box65, a fire scene support unit, continue to provide meals and snacks at the request of the Pike County Sheriff. 

The multiple scenes are still being processed and the shooter(s) are still unaccounted for.  Because of this, the work at this point is continuing to deliver meals to the command center, and then law enforcement officers are delivering the meals to the crime scenes.  Once the crime scenes are secure and the area is safe, The Salvation Army will look at doing additional food service with their mobile canteens and emotional and spiritual care work.  The emotional and spiritual care field recognizes that these men and women who have been working these horrific scenes over the last few days won’t be able to walk away unscathed and are going to need to talk to somebody.  The Salvation Army has trained personnel on hand who stand ready to assist if needed. 

The Salvation Army's mission is to serve our communities in Christ's name, and will continue to serve the people of Pike County as long as needed.
