• Rachael Fowler

Salvation Army offers comfort to a shaken San Bernardino community

SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. (Dec. 3, 2015) – In the wake of the horrific mass shooting in San Bernardino, The Salvation Army responded by offering food, snacks, water and Gatorade to those gathered in The Rudy Hernandez Community Center, the designated family reunification area.

As survivors were bussed to the building to be reunited with family members and others waited to find out if their loved ones were alive or dead, Salvation Army officers and volunteers were there with words of comfort, prayer and something to eat and drink.

The Army set up three tables and served hamburgers donated by McDonalds, sandwiches donated by Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches, pastries & nuts donated by Costco, chips, licorice, Gatorade and water. Salvation Army officers and volunteers arrived at 3 pm. They stayed after the last bus arrived to comfort those whose loved ones had not been located.

“These are our neighbors and each and every one is beloved to us,” says Major Daniel Henderson of the San Bernardino Salvation Army Corps Community Center. “This is a devastating tragedy, but I firmly believe that by working together, our community will be able to move on from this time, stronger and more united than ever before.”

Salvation Army locations in San Bernardino went on lock-down as a safety precaution and all Bell Ringers were picked up from local stores.
