• Sydney Fong

Salvation Army Assisting During Next Stage of Napa Earthquake Recovery

Napa, CA (September 8, 2014) - Starting today, The Salvation Army will be one of several agencies stationed at the Local Assistance Center in Napa (301 First Street) to handle families seeking additional aid.  Case workers will be on hand to assist local residents affected by the recent earthquake with food, clothing, housing essentials or rental assistance. The hours of service will be 11 AM to 7 PM, Monday to Friday, and then 10 AM to 4 PM on Saturday.

Residents seeking assistance would need to bring: personal identification, proof of physical address, proof of all household members and proof of damage.

This next stage of assistance is a follow-up to the service provided after the 6.0 earthquake struck on the morning of August 24.  The Salvation Army deployed multiple canteens (mobile kitchens) to the Napa and Vallejo areas. During a one-week period, teams served more than 8,500 meals to residents, first responders and city utility workers.

Monetary donations are only needed at this time.  The Salvation Army uses 100% of disaster donations in support of local disaster relief operations.

To give, visit www.gosalarmy.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) and designate “Napa Earthquake.”  You may also text IGIVE to 80888 to donate $10 to The Salvation Army.* Donations by mail may be designated “Napa Earthquake” and sent to:
The Salvation Army
PO Box 348000
Sacramento, CA 95834

In--kind donations are not currently being accepted outside the disaster area.  However, these gifts are vitally important to your local Salvation Army. To give items locally, visit www.SATruck.com or call 1-800-SA-TRUCK.

*standard data & messaging rates may apply

