• ALM Divisional EDS Department

The Salvation Army Emergency Radio Network Activates

Jackson, MS (April 30, 2014) - The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) for the Southern Territory activated its' Digi-Net system on Monday, 28 April 2014.

This activation was done to monitor any incoming calls for assistance and support The Salvation Army's overall Emergency Disaster Service operation during the most recent tornado outbreak that affected states in both the Southern and Central Territories.

Amateur radio stations from all over North America checked into the net to receive weather bulletins and monitor the frequency for any incoming requests.  The following stations are known to have participated in this event (there may be more that were not recorded):

KB3FXI - Dave - Pittsburgh, PA                       W8KF - Clair - Collins, OH
KBØEMB - Larry - Independence, MO             VA7DGP - Don - New Westminster, BC
WBØKGN - David - Le Seuer, MN                   N3NTF - Tom - Hermitage, PA
WA6RIK - George - Garden Grove, CA             K3CC - Skip - Coudersport, PA
WA6TVD - George - Reno, NV                        VA7TSD - Don - 
WN3LIF - W.T. - Duryea, PA                           KB3ORS - Brian - Sheffield, PA

SATERN used the new WB5ALM remote control station located at the Divisional Emergency Disaster Services Center for the Alabama-Louisiana-Mississippi Division in Jackson, MS.  The Net Control station was operated by Southern Territory Net Manager Ken Standard, remotely from his home in Houma, LA.  He was assisted by George Hiscox, who took over as Net Control Operator when local severe weather conditions made it difficult to stay on the air.

While no message traffic or requests for assistance were received during the two day operation, it did give the operators a chance to put to practical use the new WB5ALM station in an emergency. Hurricane season is just around the corner and now is the time to check and re-check the system’s preparedness for the time it’s needed.
