• ALM Divisional EDS Department

Salvation Army Prepares for Winter Storm Pax

Jackson, MS (02/09/2014) – In the last three weeks, The United States has experienced seven named winter storms, and the latest Winter Storm Pax is due to begin its trek across the South beginning Monday and slinking across the region through late Wednesday. 

Unlike its name might suggest Winter Storm Pax is going to be anything but peaceful.  While still too early for precise snow and ice totals in the division, snow, sleet, and ice accumulations will make travel difficult.  After the dangerous conditions these winter storms have created in the past few weeks, response preparations are already underway in the Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi Division of The Salvation Army.  Units throughout the entire division have been placed on standby, and instructed to prepare to respond when called upon.  Being placed on standby includes inspecting our feeding response units, and verifying that they are all stocked and ready to go. The State Emergency Operations Center in Mississippi has already been activated, and Salvation Army EDS personnel are currently staffing this location.  If the situation deteriorates as it is expected to do, Alabama will certainly follow suit, and activate their EOC as well.  A Salvation Army Disaster liaison for the Alabama EOC has been contacted and placed on standby as well.

The Salvation Army in the ALM division stands ready to respond to any request for assistance.  The people of the ALM division are no strangers to disaster, and have a desire to serve their neighbor’s throughout the region. Salvation Army Divisional Emergency Disaster Services Director, Thad Hicks stated, “While this sort of weather is not typically a major issue for our area, we are learning quickly how to respond.  Regardless of the type of weather, The Salvation Army is committed to being there.” 

The Salvation Army is grateful for any monetary donations to help offset the cost of response during Winter Storm Pax. Please donate at 1 800 SAL ARMY, or www.salvationarmyusa.org. For more information on this disaster, and how you can help, please go to www.disaster.salvationarmyusa.org.

About The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination since 1865. Nearly 33 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing, shelter and opportunities for underprivileged children. About 83 cents of every dollar raised is used to support those services in nearly 9,000 communities nationwide. For more information go to http://www.salvationarmyusa.org, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY, or send a check to your local Salvation Army.
