• ALM EDS Department

Salvation Army On Stand-By To Help During Winter Storm

Jackson, MS (Janaury 28, 2014) - With winter storm warnings in effect and some areas declaring a state of emergency, the Salvation Army in Louisiana is on stand-by prepared to help with issues caused by snow and freezing rain.

"If this storm delivers the punch that it is expected to, there will be many people without electricity and the ability to stay in their homes," says Emergency Disaster Services Director Thad Hicks of  the Salvation Army ALM Division. "The Salvation Army will likely host some shelter locations, and in all likelihood, we will be feeding many."

"This is where the Salvation Army excels," said Hicks. "When we see a need, we do everything we can to answer."

Driving conditions have become hazardous in some areas. Ice accumulations may cause signifcant problems with power lines, and many people will be without shelter from the cold.

If needed, the Salvation Army will begin to disburse food and other materials.

"We stand ready at the divisional level to assist however we are needed," he said.
