• ALM Divisional EDS Department

The Salvation Army Continues to Lead in Disaster Communications

The Salvation Army’s Southern Territorial SATERN Coordinator, Bill Feist presented at the Jackson Amateur Radio Club (JARC) HamFest on January 25th.  A large number of individuals gathered to hear about The ALM Division’s newest communications project.  The Salvation Army’s new SATERN station in Jackson can now be remotely controlled via the internet.  Partner operators can now access the communications resources of the division from almost anywhere in the world.  Feist also took time to discuss the steps necessary for anyone to set up a similar station, including a discussion of the equipment and software needed. While not a Ham operator himself, ALM Divisional Disaster Director, Thad Hicks, stated “Meetings like this are wonderful opportunities to get the word out about all that The Salvation Army can do during a disaster." 

In addition to the presentation, The Salvation Army’s Satellite and Radio Communications Trailer assigned to the ALM Division, was on display all day. 

For more information The Salvation Army’s Emergency work in your area, check our website at: http://disaster.salvationarmyusa.org
