• Courtney Culpepper

The Salvation Army is There for Colorado's First Responders

Denver, CO (August 19, 2013 6:00 PM) – Salvation Army emergency disaster response personnel have responded to a request from Jefferson County to support field operations in the Glencoe Valley Fire that erupted this afternoon near Golden, Colorado. 

The Salvation Army’s Denver Metro disaster services team arrived on-scene at 8300 Glencoe Valley Road in Golden to provide hydration and nutrition items for sixty firefighters from a mobile feeding truck.  Teams remain prepared to provide additional support as the situation develops.

This evening, Salvation Army teams continue their legacy of supporting the community during Colorado’s fire season.  Over the course of this summer, The Salvation Army has provided disaster relief to first responders, law enforcement and evacuees of wildfires across Colorado.  Today, The Salvation Army provides recovery assistance to those impacted by multiple Colorado fires including the devastating Black Forest Fire that burned more than 500 homes and small businesses.

Courtney Culpepper, Public Relations & Special Events Director Office: (303) 860-5460    Cell: (720) 402-4449 Email: Courtney.Culpepper@usw.salvationarmy.org