• Ken Cavallero

The Salvation Army Serves 4,000 Meals, 13,000 Additional Food & Hydration Items

Denver, CO (June 13, 2013) – Yesterday, The Salvation Army provided 4,000 meals and 13,000 additional food and hydration items in response to requests for relief aid in multiple fires across Colorado.  200 Salvation Army volunteer hours were logged across wildfires.

Volunteer teams and Salvation Army canteens are still on site helping in the following fires:
Black Forest Fire

  • US Foods in coordination with hickory House Restaurant will be providing 300 lunches and dinners for evacuated Boy Scouts and residents at the Elbert County Fairgrounds shelter.  The Salvation Army will be on hand to provide support, additional food and hydration items and manpower.
  • Teams from Colorado Springs and the Denver Metro area are providing food and hydration to first responders and evacuees at Pine Creek High School and the Falcon Colorado Springs Police Substation.
  • The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services team from Casper, WY is en route to aid relief efforts at the Falcon Substation.
  • Klinkus Fire
  • Today, The Salvation Army will provide lunch for 45 first responders fighting the Klinkus Fire in La Veta, CO. 
  • Royal Gorge Fire
  • The Salvation Army’s Emergency Disaster Services teams are on standby to aid as necessary in the Royal Gorge Fire near Canon City.

The Salvation Army uses 100% of your disaster donations in support of local disaster relief operations.  Monetary donations help us meet the immediate needs of first responders and evacuees. To give, visit www.imsalvationarmy.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) and designate “Colorado Fires.”

In-kind donations are not currently being accepted outside the disaster area.  However, these gifts are vitally important to your local Salvation Army. To give items locally, visit www.SATruck.com or call 1-800-SA-TRUCK

Courtney Culpepper
Public Relations & Special Events Director
The Salvation Army, Denver, CO
Office: (303) 860-5460    Cell: (720) 402-4449
Email: Courtney.Culpepper@usw.salvationarmy.org

