• Lindsay Sparks

Faces of Compassion: One Salvation Army OK Tornado Relief Volunteer's Story

Scott Reed had never volunteered with The Salvation Army before, but when he heard about the massive disaster relief center being rapidly set up at the Plaza Mayor at the Crossroads he wanted to take part. He feels blessed because he missed the tornado--and the tornado missed him--while he was taking a late-afternoon nap on May 20th.

Scott moved to Oklahoma City in 1995--just one month before the Oklahoma City bombing--and now considers himself a full-fledged Okie. He told us that he was surprised at the amount of goods donated--donations that have now completely filled The Salvation Army’s disaster relief center.

"I've seen giving from everywhere," he said. "It's like nothing I've ever seen before."

Although our disaster relief center is full and we can no longer accepting in kind donations, Scott has stayed busy organizing, breaking down boxes, and making sure every family that comes to get help finds what they need. 

He shared with us his favorite memory so far: A little boy who came with his grandma to donate four pallets of materials from their church.  Before leaving the young man announced he had one more gift to give and produced a bag of money he had raised.

"He gave cash money--real dollars, not change--and he was so proud to give it," Scott said with a smile.
