• Cynthia (Cindy) Fuller

The Salvation Army of Arkansas-Oklahoma Ready for Tornado Response

May 19, 2013 - Oklahoma City, OK - Even as storms continue to hammer the region, The Salvation Army is in contact with Emergency Managers across Oklahoma and has a presence at the State Emergency Operations Center. The Arkansas-Oklahoma (AOK) Division has placed all disaster response teams and mobile feeding units (canteens) across the division on stand-by for the next 48 hours.

Multiple locations in Oklahoma have sustained damage due to high winds, tornadoes, and hail which began a little after 4 PM Central Time this afternoon.  It is the beginning of a very active 24 - 48 hours for much of our division.

Tornado warnings are currently underway in several counties in Oklahoma.  The Salvation Army will be prepared to provide care and compassion to those affected by storms as well as provide food and hydration.   Please pray for all of those affected by storms today across multiple states in the Central United States.

Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.  Please follow us at www.twitter.com/SalArmyAOKEDS, www.twitter.com/SalArmyAOK, www.facebook.com/SalArmyAOK for additional information.

Contact:  Cindy Fuller, Mobile: 405/830/6549

E-mail: cindy_fuller@uss.salvationarmy.org

Office:  405/254/1156