• William Hale

The Salvation Army Responds to Bushfires in Tasmania

In response to the bushfires affecting parts of Tasmania, The Salvation Army has deployed emergency response teams to assist the communities affected by providing emergency bedding, food supplies, clothing and financial assistance.

"Initial assessments show the damage caused by these fires to be severe and we expect to be required by the Tasmanian community for the coming weeks as they recover,"said Warwick Wilson – The Salvation Army Southern Territory Emergency Services Coordinator.

"We are committed to remaining in these communities for as long as we are required and will continue to provide emotional, financial and personal support to people affected. Our prayers are with these communities, particularly those in Tasmania and the extended Tasmanian community,"he said.

The Salvation Army is also on ground assisting communities in Victoria and South Australia as they respond to communities affected by bushfires as well.

Those wishing to support The Salvation Army are encouraged to visit www.salvationarmy.org.au 

For further information or media comment please contact:

Captain Craig Wood | Divisional Communications and Fundraising Secretary
The Salvation Army | Tasmania Division
Tel: 03 6278 7184 Mob: 0402 256 318

Photo courtesy of guardian.co.uk.

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