• Shane O'Connor

Small business virtual roundtable: Disaster Preparedness

Live from Joplin, Missouri on May 22

Calling all small businesses: join our live virtual roundtable May 22. Learn how to keep your business in business when disaster strikes! Resources donated by FedEx and the American Red Cross.

Who: Small businesses
What: Virtual roundtable on disaster preparedness with FedEx and American Red Cross
When: May 22 at 11:30 a.m. CT
Can’t make it live? We’ll show a rebroadcast of the virtual roundtable at 6 p.m. CT with an expert available to answer your questions
Where: FedEx Facebook page
Why: To prepare your business for the unexpected to help you save your business and stay in business
How: “Like” the FedEx Facebook page for automatic reminders and invitations to the virtual roundtable. On May 22, log on to the FedEx Facebook page to join the live roundtable. Ask your questions through the designated Facebook tab and/or follow #FedExARC on Twitter
RSVP: Feel free to RSVP for this event now by visiting the FedEx Facebook Event page


Put it on your calendar and plan to pull up a chair. On May 22 at 11:30 a.m. CT, log on to Facebook.com/FedEx. From there, you will be able to access the FedEx Virtual Roundtable for Small Businesses tab to interact with the experts on disaster preparedness. This free 30-minute discussion will be streamed over the FedEx Facebook page as well as UStream. Watch, listen, ask questions and learn; and download free resources that may just save your business.
Interested in a 700% return on investment? Experts say one dollar invested in disaster preparedness may save seven dollars in recovery. What you will learn during this 30-minute roundtable may save you hours, even days, if you are hit by that ice storm, power outage, fire, tornado, hurricane, or other disaster. What you learn may even save your business.
The roundtable will be broadcast live from Joplin, Missouri on the one-year anniversary of the worst tornado in the U.S. in 75 years. Experts from the American Red Cross, FedEx and the Joplin community will participate on the panel and answer your questions.
For decades FedEx has provided complimentary access to our global transportation network to many relief agencies, helping them respond to disasters around the world. We’ve been expanding our work in this area to include disaster preparedness. Working with the American Red Cross, we are making an effort to help small businesses get prepared for the unexpected.

Communities depend on small businesses for economic vibrancy and growth. Small businesses depend on healthy communities. Through this virtual roundtable, FedEx and the American Red Cross will provide free resources to help your small business be resilient and thereby help strengthen the resilience of communities across our nation.
Have a question you would like to see addressed? Feel free to comment below with some topics or questions you would like the expert panelists to cover, if time allows.

See you on May 22!