• Judith Rowland

Salvation Army Receives National VOAD Innovation Award

Photo: Salvation Army New Orleans Area Commander Captain Ethan Frizzell accepts the 2011 NVOAD Innovation award from Mr. Bob Liepold, Executive Director of National VOAD and FedEx Representative Mr. Chris Lilly.

Kansas City, MO - May 27, 2011 - At last week's 2011 Annual VOAD conference Captain Ethan Frizzell of The Salvation Army's New Orleans Area Command accepted the NVOAD Innovation Award for 2011. The award, sponsored by the FedEx Corporation, highlighted the exceptional innovative spirit and success of the EnviRenew recovery housing program in New Orleans, now being studied by the U.S. Building Green Council for replication nationwide. 

EnviRenew is a program supported by The Salvation Army that seeks to address the glaring discrepancy between good quality, sustainable homes and their high purchasing and occupancy costs. The New Orleans Salvation Army became acutely aware of this incongruity during the housing crisis that followed Hurricane Katrina; it was incredibly difficult for low-to-moderate New Orlenians to return after the levee failures to rebuild not only their homes, but also their communities. The Salvation Army created the EnviRenew initiative to tackle both of these issues. 

EnviRenew aims to establish a replicable model for affordable housing while at the same time establishing community capacity so that New Orleans communities can grow even stronger than before.

For more on the Envirenew project and what The Salvation Army is doing in New Orleans, check out these two videos:

Part 1:

Part 2: