• Becky Russell

Caring For Mississippi Raises Over $120,000 For Tornado Victims

The big-hearted people of Mississippi have proven once again that Mississippi is the “most giving” state in America as more than 120-thousand dollars has been raised to help last week’s storm victims in the greater Jackson area.

Viewers began calling in to the phone banks at WJTV at 5:00am yesterday and continued to call through 10:00 last night. “It was an incredible site to see as so many people took the time to give to help their neighbors! We are overwhelmed by the generosity of the people of Mississippi who hear of a need and respond so quickly to meet that need,” said Captain Ken Chapman.

From the little boy who gave his allowance to the local corporations who gave thousands the call to help was met with a great response.

“I want to personally thank the staff at WJTV who gave so generously of their time and talents to be on-air all day to help us raise this kind of money—they are amazing people with big hearts who love their community and we are so grateful for them,” said Captain Chapman.

The Salvation Army of Jackson is now beginning the process of distributing these funds to storm victims. All those affected by the storm may contact The Salvation Army for information on how to make a disaster claim. Call: 601-982-4881 for more information on disaster claims.
