• Jennifer Dodd

One Week Later, Disaster Services Continues in Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - A week after heavy rains caused flooding in areas of Corpus Christi, Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services (EDS) personnel report they are continuing to serve meals and drinks to displaced and affected residents from the mobile feeding unit (canteen) and to provide other types of assistance—cleaning kits, blankets, clothing, shelter, and financial assistance—as necessary.

In fact, says Major Daniel New, administrator of the Salvation Army in Corpus Christi, the number of meals served has increased slightly each day of service. “On Monday the 20th, we served lunch to 75 at the Ben Garza temporary shelter. The following day we provided lunch at the shelter to 50. On Wednesday we served dinner to 200. Thursday and Friday, we served dinner from the canteen, providing some 700 meals on those days. Over the weekend, we used our Shelter’s kitchen to make boxed lunches that were then distributed by The American Red Cross. We served dinner from our own canteen in the field to approximately 500 individuals.”

The Corpus Christi community has responded quickly and with compassion toward those affected by these floods, providing The Salvation Army with donations of a 48-foot cooler/freezer trailer, two trailers of donated items from the local food bank, and numerous other gifts of food and clothing from individuals. “We are proud of the way our neighbors have responded during this time of crisis,” says Major New. “We know that when we tell the community there is a need, Corpus Christi will help us meet that need.”

Major New and his EDS personnel will meet with representatives from the City of Corpus Christi today, the 27th, to determine how much longer Salvation Army assistance will be needed. “We are scheduled to continue EDS operations through Wednesday, the 29th,” Major New says, “but that date may change after we meet with the City. However, we are prepared and committed to serve our Corpus Christi neighbors for as long as they have a need.”


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